Before having children, I hated children. I couldn’t understand them, and found them incredibly annoying. I never gave a second thought to being a mom unlike some who aspire to be one their whole lives. One day, I would become a mom after marriage and that would be that. The only fact I knew for sure was that I definitely wanted to have more than one child. Being an only child, I recognized the importance of giving the gift of a sibling to my first. Approaching motherhood going on four years now with two babes has given me new perspective on what it’s all about. I’ve been asked before on the merits of becoming a mom or having children, and while it’s easy to complain about all the difficult parts, it has always been insurmountable to fully put into words the gravity or the magnitude of such a decision on my life. Obviously, people say, children bring such joy and a newness to life that you have left behind in your childhood or forgott...