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Showing posts from August, 2014

Look Ma, no Hands!

Baby carriers are so important if you want to be able to get anything done, especially while still on maternity leave and baby is sleeping most of the time.  Actually, scratch that, babies usually sleep better when being held, so carriers can be a godsend if mom needs a few more minutes of peace and quiet.  I never really thought much about baby carriers before because I got two as gifts and thought I was pretty much covered.  We got the Baby Bjorn and the Ergobaby .  We never really used the Baby Bjorn because I kept hearing all this hype around the Ergobaby.  My lovely MOH and bestie gifted us a special, designer print ergobaby pictured below:     We used the infant insert with it when Ethan was only a month old, but he quickly grew out of that insert.  The ergobaby was very comfortable to use because it kept him so close to my body, which dispersed his ~8lbs pretty well.  The only drawback to using it, as with most carr...

Baby Books

I'm always on the lookout for new books to read to Ethan.  While he may not actually understand what I'm saying or always look at the pages for very long, he does seem to enjoy the activity.  He loves turning the pages all by himself, looking back and forth from mommy and the book while reading, swiping the books onto the floor (and look for them after they've fallen), and occasionally chew on a corner or two.  As he's gotten older, he's definitely gotten more involved in baby-handling the books himself, and finds himself absolutely tickled with enjoyment when I've said a very funny-sounding word.  His current 9-month favorite sounds are, "Boo!" "Yo!" "Zoo."  When he was around 4-5-months he thought "Zzzzot!" "Buzzz" and "Skunk!" were simply hilarious. Here's a few of the books that are part of his reading adventure thus far... A cloth book for super infant days, but one that he still loves to this...

Subscription Box Loves

Ever since becoming a mom, convenience has been the name of the game.  Believe it or not, it's difficult to even find time to get to the market.  Therefore, I'd say about 99% of my shopping happens online now.  Subscription boxes have become a staple for me.  I used to be subscribed to birchbox, the makeup/skincare sample service, but a girl only needs so many sample packets.  Once I found out about these 3 below, I was hooked.     First, is my citrus lane subscription box.  It's a service that delivers stuff that my baby can use.  I should also mention that ever since becoming a mom, I have developed a baby stuff buying addiction.  If there's an AA group for that, I probably should join it.  But, in my defense, if there's something that can help make our lives easier, funner, or smarter for baby, what parent would deny that?  I've gotten 3 boxes so far, and I've really liked/used every item I've received....

5 Things I'd Tell My Preggo Self

There's this tag that's been going around on youtube that I'd like to film and post as well, but really, who has time for that when I could be sleeping.  Just keeping it real here.  So, I thought I'd post it here for fun.  What are the five things I would tell myself the next time I get preggers? 1. Plan Early This could be many things, but most specifically, plan to be ready for the new baby by the 36 week mark.  This is considered the full term mark, although most estimate 40 weeks for a really done baby.  Ethan came early at exactly 39 weeks, and I started getting symptoms of labor the whole week leading up to it.  So, I didn't have enough time to do everything I wanted to do in the nursery.  I know it's not important, but it would have been nice to have everything ready and picture perfect way ahead of time so that I could actually just enjoy the last few days of pregnancy.  We didn't really pack our hospital bag until we had headed into the h...