Cancer and death seems to surround me lately. I used to think cancer was something only the few got in their lives, and that if you made healthy choices in life, you could avoid it. But, I'm not so sure anymore. Two of my coworkers' moms passed away recently, and my boss just let us know that he found out he has cancer. He has young kids, and so much life left to live, so here's hoping he can fight it. Then, the hardest hit happened this morning. My grandma passed away. We only recently found out she had stage 4 lung cancer. My mom is taking it pretty hard, and I don't know what to say to her. I've never heard her so sad before. It makes me very sad to hear her mourn the loss.
The only light in my life right now is Ethan. He's growing so fast and learning so much every day. He is the reason why I try so hard. He makes my little family unit whole.
The only light in my life right now is Ethan. He's growing so fast and learning so much every day. He is the reason why I try so hard. He makes my little family unit whole.
Very sorry to hear that, Eleen. Take care, and thank you for the reminder that life is fleeting and we should cherish everyone around us.