I came across this on Instagram a week or so ago, and it really struck a chord: pinterest source They're all things I believe in, and have been consciously aware of at one point or another, but it's a great reminder for my daily life. Speak with integrity: My number one pet peeve in life is fakeness. Fakeness, manipulation, and putting on a front are all things I really detest. So, this first one is really the very core of my beliefs. I've always said, that if I were to live in the Divergent world, I'd definitely belong to the Candor faction (and Lucas to Amity). But, the other notes that go along with this aren't things I've always focused on. I could definitely work on using the power of my word for love, in other words, not speaking against myself or gossiping about others. Not taking it personally: Yea, my brain knows to do this, but my heart has a hard time cooperating. Whether it's work or my personal life, I need to remember ...