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Showing posts from March, 2016

All-time favorite mixtape

I wrote this post back in August of last year, but never posted it for some reason or other.  I've added a few to the list now, but here we go... Do you remember the days when you would make a mixtape?  I don't remember making that many for other people, but I remember making them for listening to in the car.  Honestly, most of them weren't really 'tapes,' but were CDs.  I've come to realize that there is a type of song that no matter how old or new it is, I'm instantly attracted to it.  When listening to a recent Ted radio hour podcast, I realized I wanted to make a post about my all-time favorite songs.  The podcast talked about how people tend to favor songs that sound similar to ones they already know as opposed to songs that sound completely different.  So, you're more likely to not change the radio station if a song comes on that you don't like, but you've heard a billion times, just because of its familiarity.  So, I thought about my a...