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Showing posts from March, 2015

Weekly Currents

These past two weeks have been nice with Lucas' mom in town to help us with baby E.  It served as another reminder of how nice it would be to live close to grandparents, and family in general.  She's now off to Taiwan to spend time with her mom and siblings.  Family is the best.   Current movie: We were able to take advantage of having family in town by going out to the movies for the first time since we've made the move.  We saw Insurgent because I'm a massive fan of the whole Divergent trilogy.  I liked the movie, and the movie experience.  I could understand the compromises they had to make in order to make the movie quicker and more exciting. Current Ethanism: He's learned to start throwing things onto the floor.  I'm guessing he picked this up from Dad because he used to hand him the rocks in our backyard, and Lucas would toss it back onto the ground.  He likes to take any random two objects into his hands, clap them together, a...

Weekly currents

Current podcast: NPR Invisibilia - Fearless  Current tune: Jamie Cullum - Interlude - Interlude Current book I'm reading: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Current snack: a frozen (formerly fresh) jackfruit piece Current fav Ethan toy: his first radio flyer wagon Current fav house accomplishment: installing Ethan's new crown light in his bedroom Current hours of sleep at night: ~6, getting better! Current pic on iPhone roll: 


Say what?  It is the Fear Of Missing Out.  I never knew this was a thing, but after watching Ingrid's video on it, I felt so validated.  Not in the sense that I was all better from the feelings I had before, but there's something about being able to identify what it is that bothers you that gives you a sense of clarity. Ingrid's video: A brief TED talk on the same topic: If you don't have the chance to watch her video, it's the feeling that you don't want to miss out on creating memories with others, but at the same time either weren't invited to participate or didn't want to participate in the event. In particular, the year of 2014 was a big FOMO experience for me.  I'm sure, in part was because I had just become a new mom.  I had good reason to feel a bit detached from my previous life since it literally became a completely new life.  My close friends were getting married, and...

Weekly currents

Current mood: grateful for a great escape from my everyday by experiencing meaningful and engaging relationships with new and old friendships Current dislike: United airlines for constantly delaying my flights, switching airplanes, and being overall, a big poopy experience Current yearning: squeezing my little love, and massaging his little fat rolls Current sleep avg: 3/4 hours, it's really not a wonder why I'm still sick ;-(

Dem Nike frees

Those nikes I had mentioned in my last post: My little boy's feet be gettin bigger!  Also, I always enjoy recounting to myself how Nike means victory in Greek ;-)