I want to attempt to start blogging on a more regular basis to try to keep in touch with the few that read this, and as a way of documenting my life better. So, I'm going to start this series I'm calling, "the weekly currents" in the sense that I'll be listing my current project, favorite food, Ethanism...do you remember back in the old days of friendster and myspace? Didn't they have a status asking what your current mood was? Or your current music that you're listening to? So, something like that. Also, the unofficial writer from within likes that currents could also refer to water currents as in waves in the ocean. It's like these are all just temporary things in life that pass. Some moods or trends pass sooner than others, and some will remain for a season of life. So, first one, here we go: Current love: Ethan's first nike shoes Current podcast: NPR's TED's Radio Hour: Just a little nicer Current book I'm reading: The ...