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Showing posts from May, 2015

An update

Recent wedding pic from Shannon's bridal suite on her wedding day: 4/26 Oops, my weekly updates seem to have fallen by the wayside.  I think we got busy on the weekends, and then things just snowballed away, as they do.  Here goes a more general update though: - New House Stuff The new house to do list has gone way down, almost to the point that there are really only maybe 2 more things that we need to address.  We also still need to tackle putting things in their right place and deconstructing the boxes that are being stored in our "dining/play room."  Alas, the devil's in the details, right? - Ethan Updates Ethan is about to move onto his next classroom: The Elephants!  This will be his very first transition to a new class besides the obvious one due to our move.  This will likely be very difficult for him since he seems to get attached to teachers.  Perhaps it's because he has started developing attachments to everything lately inclu...


Lucas' push gift, when baby E was born, is a reminder of the amazing things love can create I'd have to say, after I became a mom, one of the biggest changes for me is - what I used to call, becoming a big sucker/weakling/weak sauce for stories about babies or kids at peril.  I hate hearing or reading about babies who can't survive due to any circumstance.  I hate it so much because I almost get a physiological response to the story as if a dagger just got thrusted into my gut.  One of the first instances of this was on my drive to pick up baby E from daycare back in Cali.  I was listening to NPR on the radio like usual, and they ran a story about babies in NICU because of drug addict moms.  Hearing the little cries of strong withdrawal pains from a newborn still hurts me to the core right now - and I'm just recalling this story from memory.  It almost spurs me to action, to want to vote for whatever bill it was they wanted to pass to convict d...